Saturday, November 14, 2015

Whimsical Pumkin Teapot

Hello Everyone,

I just returned home a few days ago from a much needed trip at the Amish Country.  Its a trip we usually take a couple times a year but have not been able to in the last year. Thus I was so excited about going. Its a place where you can fill your day with going from one antique store to another without end.  It is just amazing how many antique stores there are.  What that mostly means for me is the intoxicating search for tea pots and tea cups, and the and Amish Country never disappoints. The question is not if I can find any, but how many can I fit in my vehicle? Although I found quite a few good treasures, I decided to feature this whimsical cheery yellow pumpkin tea pot. It was a little bit more expensive than I wanted to invest in a seasonal tea pot and I am not sure where I will store it, but I could not resist.  I actually did place it back on the shelf for a few moments (out of some faint attempt of self-control) but then around the corner fate happened. I found this beautiful yellow and gold tea cup that just needed a whimsical tea pot to make a seasonal tea encounter wonderful.  So, back I went to collect the tea pot, and then to the cash register to check out.

The yellow kept making me think of lemons, so, I decided that Lemon Lift Black Tea would be perfect.  Its a distinctive blend with just the right amount of lemon and a dash of spice.  A little bit of lemon added to the top of this hot tea was perfect. I wanted something easy to go with my tea and decided on the usual choice of cupcakes.  Cupcakes are easy to make and definitely easy to find in any grocery store.  I didn't feel like whipping any up so I decided to pick some up at a grocery store after my son's futsal game.  My husband trying to be helpful packs up all my bags and puts them in the vehicle for me.  Upon arriving home, I discovered he had placed my cupcakes into the vehicle on their tops.  Needless to say they were not very pretty anymore.  I was able to salvage three and throw some sprinkles on top to cover the imperfections.  Because I was able to salvage a few cupcakes and my husband was really trying to be nice, I let him off the hook pretty easy.  Overall I was very pleased with this fall teatime especially since we only have a few more days before the Christmas fever takes over.



God Bless,

Trina Belle  

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