Friday, July 24, 2015

Cake Bunting | How To

Hello friends,

Recently I made a Happy Birthday banner to place in a cake for my best friend's moms' birthday cake. I received lots of compliments on it and decided to do a tutorial post on how to make one. It is very easy to make and literally anyone can make one. You can make the bunting say whatever you like, I will be recreating the Happy Birthday banner for this tutorial. Here is what the finished product will look like.

All you need is some colorful tape, string or ribbon, and 2 straws or skewers. You will also need scissors and a marker to write on the tape.
The first thing you will need to do is cut your ribbon or string into 2 strands. I cut my pieces into about 18 inch strands to allow for tying knots on the straws and for dangling down the side of the cake. You will then need to cut and center a piece of tape on one string. Each piece of tape should be about 2 inches long and is folded over the string like so:

You don't have to keep the tape evenly folded over because the bottom will be cut off. To make the bottom of the tape in the shape of a pendant, cut the tape at an angle.

Continue the process spacing the pieces of tape out evenly. Stop when you have 5 pieces of tape on one strand and 8 pieces of tape on the other.

When you are finished, use the marker to write on the bunting.

When tying the bunting on the straws, it is important to place the straws in the cake first. This will help in judging where to tie the strings onto the straws. I simply double knotted the ribbon onto the straws, making them easy to slide of for reuse.

And voila! Easy peasy cake bunting.

Hope you enjoyed,


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