Friday, July 10, 2015

Flashback Friday | Christmas Eve Dessert

Welcome back friends,

This Flashback Friday is looking back on our Christmas Eve dessert. Mother and grandmother usually handle the main course on major holidays. This leaves me free to think about my favorite part of the meal: dessert!! This past Christmas I received some inspiration for a blueberry cake while looking through a tea book. I tweaked their recipe a bit and went for a white cake with blueberry cream cheese icing topped with blueberries. The cake was not my favorite, but it was something different to try (I think I added too much blueberry cream cheese to the icing for my taste). Something I learned through trial and error making the cake, don't put freshly washed fruit on your cake! Wait for the fruit to completely dry. If you put them on wet, it will leave stains in your icing, trust me!


I also made blueberry scones and sugar cookies as back up desserts (they were pre-ready mixes). The tea we opted for was Cinnamon Apple Tea. For the place setting we had snowflake placemats, red and crystal dishware, and a simple ornament bauble centerpiece. Very Christmasy!

Feel free to leave any questions or comments below!
Talk soon,

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