Saturday, October 24, 2015

Autumnal Picnic | Easy How To

Hello friends,

With the arrival of crisp, cool air, comes the arrival of the leaves changing colors. I love to be outside this time of year to take in all of the beautiful colors. One way I enjoy fall weather is through putting together, and delighting in, an outdoor picnic. Picnics are pretty easy to put together, therefore I thought I would let you know what I include in mine.

The first thing one should do when picnicking, is to find the perfect spot! Since it is fall, it is always good to pick a spot with plenty views of the changing of leaves.

The first item I obtain is a basket. This one is a Longaberger basket, but you may use any type of container to place your things in. I next grab a blanket to sit on. I love using plaid or flannel blankets as they truly embody the fall atmosphere. The next, and perhaps the most important item, is something to drink. Here I have water and Pumpkin Spice Black Tea to steep. However, any other tea, coffee, hot chocolate, etc. would work just fine! Going along with something to drink, is something to drink with. I simply grabbed an autumnal mug and placed in the basket. After deciding which drink will keep me warm, I decide on snacks. Because I have such a sweet tooth, I opted for a bag of dark chocolate with pomegranate flavor. I also threw in some apples to complement the fall season. Finally, I grabbed a book to read! For this day, I took along The 5th Wave (so far its good).

The last step in enjoying a picnic, is to relax and relish in the fall foliage! I hope this inspires you to go outdoors and do the same! Since the leaves change and fall so fast, one should take advantage of the beautiful colors while they can.

As always, thank you for stopping by,


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