Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Saint Patrick's Day 2016

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!

Being of Irish decent, St. Patrick's Day is an unofficial holiday looked upon as a wonderful time in my house. It has been celebrated in the United States since the late 18th century, but what is the day all about? Well, that’s the best part. Saint Patrick was a 5th-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop in Ireland. As legend would have it, Patrick was converted to Christianity and used the three-leaved shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity to Irish pagans. He used a piece of nature as a training aid to instill the cause of God causing green to become synonymous with the day. It is said that he converted thousands to the cause of Christianity. The day eventually integrated into festivals, parades, eating, and the much consumption of Irish alcohol and liquor. You won’t find too much Irish spirits in our house but you will find us celebrating the way we like to - with tea and treats! Finding a lot a lot of green décor and some tea items sets me up for the day. I even had some fun with putting a green mustache on my tea cup. However you decide to celebrate your Saint Patrick’s Day, I hope the luck of the Irish is with you and please don’t forget the Christian faith it’s rooted in.


God Bless,

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