Friday, June 26, 2015

Tea in Bed

Hello Everyone,

Sometimes my life is one big blur of business. Sleeping in is a luxury that doesn't happen very often.  However,  there a few occasions that I do get to enjoy some quiet time relaxing in my room after a night of rest. I always like to have tea items ready for such a treat.  Having my tea and breakfast/snack in bed is a sure way to decompress from the stress of the upcoming day. I can sip on tea and read magazines or pick any channel on TV to watch. My room becomes a sanctuary of peace and relaxation for a little while.

Not only can a tray of tea items be helpful tools in catching up on some alone time for any overworked lady, it can become a great item of decor for your bed.  I just have some fresh flowers (which I always keep around) and a simple silver tea set on a matching tray.  It becomes a wonderful focal point in the room that is always inviting.  I hope this inspires you to do the same.

God Bless,

Trina Belle

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